Photodetector InGaAs PIN Diode 800-1700nm




Photodetector InGaAs PIN Diode 800-1700nm

Photodetector 1.5GHZ Analog InGaAs PIN diode 800-1700nm
 High reliability,low dark current
 Top illumination planar PIN PD
 -3dBm Bandwidth 1.5GHZ
 To-46 with ball lens cap
 Industrial automatic control
 Science analysis and experiment
 Analog CATV
 Fiber communication
 Fast optical pulse testing
 Optical fiber sensor
reverse voltage 30V Operating
temperature -45~+85℃
Power dissipation 10mW
Forward current 10mA storage
temperature -45~+85℃
Soldering temperature(time) 260℃(10s)
The opto-eletronic characteritics(@Tc=22±3℃)
Parameters Sym. Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Response Spectrum λ — 800 1700 nm
Active diameter φ — 75 μm
Reponsivity Re
λ=1.31μm,φe=1mw 0.8 0.85 A/W
λ=1.55μm,φe=1mw 0.85 0.9 A/W
-3dB bandwidth BW VR=5V,RL=50Ω 1,5 GHz
Dark current ID VR=5V 0.1 1 nA
Total capacitance Ctot VR=5V 0.5 0.75 pF
2nd Order Inter-modulation CSO Two tones,1mW -70 dBc
3rd Order Inter-modulation CTB Two tones,1mW -80 dBc
Return Loss RL 1mW -45 dB
package TO-46


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