Hamamatsu Photomultiplier Power Amplifier Module PMT R1463




Hamamatsu Photomultiplier Power Amplifier Module PMT R1463

The Hamamatsu R1463 is a 13mm (1/2″) diameter, head-on type photomultiplier tube having a multialkali photocathode designed for
use in UV to near IR spectrophotometers and other analysis equipments where wide range response and high gain are of importance.
The R1463 exhibits a high anode sensitivity at relatively low supply voltage by virtue of improvement in secondary emitting
surface. The R1463P is for photon counting with low dark counts. It has an HA coating with a magnetic shield for decreasing glass

High Anode Sensitivity
Radiant (420nm) ……………………………. 5.1 × 104 A/W at 1000V
Luminous ……………………………………………. 120 A/lm at 1000V
High Quantum Efficiency (290nm) …………………………………. 19%
Wide Spectral Response …………………………………. 185 to 850nm
Low Anode Dark Current ………………………………… 4 nA at 1000V

UV to Near IR Spectrophotometers
Laser Detection Systems
Photon Counting Systems

